Por cierto aquellas personas que estén cerca de Saint Jean de Luz que se animen a ir a ver del 7-10 de Junio a la exposición de patchwork Quilt en Sud. Más información en www.quiltensud.com
Gogoan duzue leihatila egingo nuela? asko kosta zait, txoria bereziki, fankak eta begia jartzea alta zaizkit, ea anima naizen. Nahiz eta makinaz egin nahi, oraindik ez naiz hain ausarti.
jakinarazi dizuet Saint Jean de Luz-etik hurbil daudenei ekainaren 7tik-10era patchwork erakusketa egongo dela. Erakusketari buruzko informazio gehiago gainean dagoen web orrian.
Do you remember the stainned glass I was going to make? It´s been very difficult for me to finish it. I´d like to quilting by machine, but I´ll start with something easier.
By the way, those of you who happens to be near Saint Jean de Luz could go to the patchwork exposition which is going to be celebrated there between the 7th & 10th of June. Much information on the web above.